Aloha! Welcome and thank you for your interest in being one of our valued vendors at this year's Kalama Heritage Festival! Your participation is much appreciated. We are excited to be given the opportunity to hold the festival again this year after the economic challenges of the pandemic, and to give the musicians and vendors an opportunity for revenue. The event is out doors and we are being very careful to abide by all the covid safety laws so that everyone stays healthy.
The Kalama Heritage Festival is a beautiful, culturally rich event that celebrates the impact on the Pacific Northwest region by the Hawaiian Kanaka (humans/workers) that were brought over by the Hudson Bay Fur Trading Company in the mid 1800’s. It honors the blending of the cultures between Kanaka and the Pacific Northwest Native Americans.
Since its inception in 2005, The Kalama Heritage Festival has been successfully accomplishing what its founders, Bill & Gloria Nahalea, had intended; to educate both the indigenous tribes and the public about the vibrant history of these two cultures and how they have become intricately intertwined, growing into a distinctive culture unto itself. The festival benefits and blesses all involved with it by giving those present a chance to experience the true aloha spirit of love and welcoming acceptance. It helps to support the vendors and performers in their livelihood and builds tourism in the Kalama community.
Vendor Booth Requirements and Guidelines
SET-UP Thursday after 4 pm
All vendors must stay in operation during festival hours and may not break down until the end of the festival unless in the case of emergency.
Vendor is responsible for providing security for your space. Overnight park security will be on site. The Port of Kalama does not allow overnight camping on the park grounds or in an RV or vehicle in the parking lot. Ask about hotels that offer lower Festival rates.
Vendors will provide their own booth tent and furnish their own displays. PLEASE BRING TENT WEIGHTS. There are no stakes allowed in the lawn.
Food vendors are responsible for meeting all health inspection guidelines and attaining their temporary food permit and must be shown to festival staff during check-in. https://www.co.cowlitz.wa.us
Vendors must keep their booth neat and free of hazards.
Vendors are responsible for sweeping and cleaning their area and removing debris after the festival.
During the festival, the fire lanes MUST be kept open for emergency vehicles. The public water supply must be kept open for all users during the festival.
If a vendor causes damages to the Port of Kalama recreational grounds or areas around vendor space, vendor will be held solely responsible for the damages and will not be allowed to return in the future.
Kalama Heritage Festival is not responsible for any lost or stolen property or damages from vendor use.
Vendors are humbly asked to promote the Kalama Heritage Festival using the flyer attached (i.e. social media, email lists, websites)
In case of a cancellation, please contact the KHF Planning Committee as soon as possible.
Vendors must bring and provide their Aloha Spirit free of cost to everyone at the festival.
I have read the Requirements and Guidelines and accept and agree to the conditions and fees.